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The awareness of neuroplasticity: 

Those of us who study interpersonal neurobiology believe  (and research supports) that... psychotherapy... can reactivate neuroplastic processes and actually alter the structures and biochemistry of the brain.”

Louis Cozolino

         Book and Articles:
Romania's Abandoned Children: 
Deprivation, Brain Development, and the Struggle for Recovery, Charles A. Nelson, Nathan A. Fox, Charles H. Zeanah
Überschrift 5
Überschrift 5

First results in research on the emotional brain show that the emotional brain of the younger one can recover from trauma, abuse, neglect, sadness, and “grow out of it”.


Please see below statements, articles, and books where you find scientific and experience reports about brain development suffering from or recovering from traumatic stress. 

You also find children's books explaining the brain to kids. 

These recommendations do not claim to be exhaustive. 


"The awareness of neuroplasticity: 

Those of us who study interpersonal neurobiology believe (and research supports) that... psychotherapy... can reactivate neuroplastic processes and actually alter the structures and biochemistry of the brain.”

Louis Cozolino

Brainspotting with Children and Adolescents: Can it be seen as a way of reducing long-term effects of trauma? by Mag. Monika Baumann
Published on the Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute (RMBI) Blog, April 2023.
Report of Findings from the Community Survey September 2016
The mission of the Foundation is to devote itself to furthering and supporting operations and activities which address the short-term and long-term unmet needs of individuals and the Newtown community arising from the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012.
Exposure to violence during childhood is associated with telomere erosion from 5 to 10 years of age:
a longitudinal study, I Shalev, T E Moffitt, K Sugden, B Williams, R M Houts, A Danese, J Mill, L Arseneault and A Caspi
First  Co-writing from some Brainspotting Trainers in an experimential way in 2014 about "Brainspotting with kids and adolescents"
Erste Zussammenarbeit einiger Brainspotting Trainer über deren Erfahrung von Brainspotting mit Kindern und Jugendlichen | 2014 
Profundamente conmovida… … ¡ o Brainspotting con niños y adolescentes!
Una primera cooperación de algunos entrenadores sobre su experiencia con Brainspotting en niños y adolescentes | 2014
         Book and Articles:
Romania's Abandoned Children: 
Deprivation, Brain Development, and the Struggle for Recovery, Charles A. Nelson, Nathan A. Fox, Charles H. Zeanah
Exposure to violence during childhood is associated with telomere erosion from 5 to 10 years of age:
a longitudinal study, I Shalev, T E Moffitt, K Sugden, B Williams, R M Houts, A Danese, J Mill, L Arseneault and A Caspi
Chapman, Linda, Neurobiologically Informed Trauma Therapy with Children & Adolescents: Understanding Mechanisms of Change. New York: W. W. Norton & Company | 2014
Stein, Phyllis T., and Joshua Kendall. Psychological Trauma and the Developing Brain. New York/London: Routledge | 2004
         Link for excellent updates:
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